Frases sobre ''Equity''
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Be incredibly, ruthlessly selfish with your equity.
Autor: Douglas LeoneYour , Selfish , Equity , Incredibly
A good default, like Portugal or Greece, would be very good for the private equity business.
Autor: David BondermanLike , Good , Business , Equity
Justice that is not rooted in equity, in social welfare, and in community is not justice at all.
Autor: DeRay MckessonCommunity , Justice , Welfare , Equity
It cannot be assumed that equity was following common law whenever they agreed, any more than the converse.
Autor: Frederick PollockMore , Cannot , Law , Equity
I got my Equity card from an audition out of Backstage. We did 'Guys and Dolls' and 'Kismet.'
Autor: John C. McGinleyOut , Got , Equity , Dolls
Personal brand equity erodes much faster than corporate brand equity.
Autor: John QuelchThan , Personal , Brand , Equity
In any architecture, there is an equity between the pragmatic function and the symbolic function.
Autor: Michael GravesAny , Function , Architecture , Equity
One of the reasons why we can make a lot of money in equity markets is because they're auction-driven, and auction-driven markets are very different from almost any other kind of market.
Autor: Mohnish PabraiWhy , Money , Different , Equity
While I was at NYU, I did a play at The Public called 'The Forbidden City,' where I went in as an understudy and got my Equity card.
Autor: Chandra WilsonWhere , City , Play , Equity