Frases sobre ''England''
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It is said, that in Holland Interest is lower than in England.
Autor: Dudley NorthThan , Said , Interest , England
I still get butterflies when England are playing.
Autor: Alan ShearerGet , Playing , Still , England
The only legitimate artists in England are the architects.
Autor: Benjamin HaydonOnly , Artists , England , Legitimate
Witches were burned and killed in Scotland and England for centuries before what happened in Salem.
Autor: Janet MontgomeryHappened , Witches , England , Scotland
New England oysters are better than Chesapeake. But Chesapeake blue crabs are unbeatable.
Autor: Jim HimesNew , Better , Blue , England
If only Vivien Leigh had stayed in England, that part would have been mine.
Autor: Joan BennettOnly , Mine , Been , England
If there ever was a militant religion, it was that of early New England.
Autor: Paul P. HarrisNew , Early , Religion , England
We'd played for years to half-empty clubs in England.
Autor: Phil CollenYears , England , Played , Clubs