Frases sobre ''Endurance''
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Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.
Autor: William BarclayStrength , Hard , Endurance , Glory
For to be poised against fatality, to meet adverse conditions gracefully, is more than simple endurance; it is an act of aggression, a positive triumph.
Autor: Thomas MannSimple , Positive , Endurance , Meet
Discipline, focus, endurance is what it takes to be the greatest at this sport.
Autor: Jordan BurroughsFocus , Greatest , Endurance , Discipline
Yoga is equal parts strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance.
Autor: Mandy IngberStrength , Balance , Endurance , Equal
I am used to training 10 to 12 sessions a week, so I have the physical and mental endurance that comes with being an athlete.
Autor: Tanc SadeBeing , I Am , Training , Endurance
Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.
Autor: VirgilBad , Patience , Endurance , Fortune
Nothing to mountaineering, just a little physical endurance, a good deal of brains, lots of practice, and plenty of warm clothing.
Autor: Annie Smith PeckNothing , Good , Practice , Endurance
I already have natural speed, which I don't need to work on, so in training I've been working more on my endurance.
Autor: Genzebe DibabaWork , Speed , Training , Endurance
Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.
Autor: Robert Falcon ScottHeart , Courage , Dead , Endurance