Frases sobre ''Elephant''
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If you've never seen an elephant ski, you've never been on acid.
Autor: Eddie IzzardYou , Never , Seen , Elephant
I have a memory like an elephant. I remember every elephant I've ever met.
Autor: Herb CaenRemember , Memory , Funny , Elephant
Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing.
Autor: John DonneGreat , Nature , Elephant , Masterpiece
Plastic surgery is like a big elephant sitting in the Hollywood living room.
Autor: Patricia HeatonLike , Sitting , Plastic , Elephant
I'm for conservation, but it's mostly a con. That's the trouble. It's sentimental. Buy an elephant a drink, a lion an acre.
Autor: Peter BeardTrouble , Drink , Lion , Elephant
I'm just getting settled as a responsible man - but if you split the elephant into little mouthfuls it will be fine.
Autor: Tom HardyYou , Will , Man , Elephant
Patriarchy is like the elephant in the room that we don't talk about, but how could it not affect the planet radically when it's the superstructure of human society.
Autor: Ani DiFrancoLike , Society , Talk , Elephant , Room
I have a face like the behind of an elephant.
Autor: Charles LaughtonLike , Face , Elephant , Behind
I like my stationery to be funnier, like, 'Here's my note, and it's an elephant with a lady smoking a cigarette on top.'
Autor: Kate SpadeElephant , Smoking , Lady , Cigarette
It wasn't until I had been writing on and off for maybe ten years that I started to establish any kind of routine, thought I couldn't put a finger on an exact date, and this routine relates simply to the aphorism 'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.'
Autor: Neal AsherYou , Time , Thought , Elephant