Frases sobre ''Elegance''
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I think fashion can always date, but I think if a woman has elegance, she doesn't date.
Autor: Alice TemperleyThink , Woman , Elegance , Fashion
The only real elegance is in the mind; if you've got that, the rest really comes from it.
Autor: Diana VreelandYou , Mind , Rest , Elegance
The elegance of honesty needs no adornment.
Autor: Mary BrowneHonesty , Elegance , Needs , Adornment
I'm quite into the French way - simple elegance with just a suggestion of sexiness, nothing vulgar.
Autor: Michelle DockerySimple , Nothing , Way , Elegance
Elegance is achieved when all that is superfluous has been discarded and the human being discovers simplicity and concentration: the simpler and more sober the posture, the more beautiful it will be.
Autor: Paulo CoelhoBeautiful , Elegance , Simplicity , Sober
About seven years later I was given a book about the periodic table of the elements. For the first time I saw the elegance of scientific theory and its predictive power.
Autor: Sidney AltmanTime , Book , Power , Elegance
Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?
Autor: Yves Saint LaurentElegance , Forgetting , Wearing
In Italy, the Milanese are well organized but follow bourgeois taste. They adhere to certain codes of elegance, but not to individualism.
Autor: Christian LacroixWell , Taste , Follow , Elegance
I felt that the elegance of pop music was that it was reflective: we were holding up a mirror to our audience and reflecting them philosophically and spiritually, rather than just reflecting society or something called 'rock and roll.'
Autor: Pete TownshendMusic , Society , Mirror , Elegance
I think Indian women are very beautiful. They have a sense of elegance and innocence.
Autor: Pierce BrosnanThink , Beautiful , Women , Elegance