Frases sobre ''Electronics''
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I'm a very textural composer. I care a lot about textures and gestures. Electronics add so much to that. It's like a flavor - it creates so much texture.
Autor: Du YunAbout , Care , Like , Electronics
A basic truth that the history of the creation of the transistor reveals is that the foundations of transistor electronics were created by making errors and following hunches that failed to give what was expected.
Autor: William ShockleyTruth , History , Creation , Electronics
With electronics, they just get smaller and smaller.
Autor: Amy HeckerlingJust , Get , Smaller , Electronics
I like really sparse electronics, lush arrangements, and interesting chord structures.
Autor: Josh KlinghofferReally , Like , Interesting , Electronics
Consumer electronics is a challenging one.
Autor: Kevin RollinsChallenging , Consumer , Electronics
My hardcover sales are 17% down in books but up 400% in electronics.
Autor: Lisa SeeUp , Down , Sales , Electronics
Audi has fewer problems with electronics than any other company.
Autor: Martin WinterkornProblems , Than , Company , Electronics
Robotics has already made significant inroads in electronics assembly, with sewing trades - traditionally many countries' first entry point to the global trading system - likely to come next.
Autor: Michael SpenceNext , First , System , Electronics
Dad was very into electronics, robotics and computers, so I was interested in what he was doing.
Autor: Rhianna PratchettDoing , Dad , Computers , Electronics
We may be living in a world of disposable electronics, but working people are not disposable commodities.
Autor: Sharan BurrowPeople , World , Living , Electronics