Frases sobre ''Electricity''
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They were nothing like the French people I had imagined. If anything, they were too kind, too generous and too knowledgable in the fields of plumbing and electricity.
Autor: David SedarisPeople , Nothing , Like , Electricity
Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.
Autor: Earl WilsonWho , Money , Man , Electricity
Cuts in carbon emissions would mean significantly higher electricity prices. We think the American consumer would prefer not to be skinned by Obama's EPA.
Autor: Fred UptonThink , American , Mean , Electricity
I did not come to Washington to raise the electricity rates by as much as $40 per month as this plan would do.
Autor: Greg WaldenCome , Month , Plan , Electricity
Only electricity can give the transport sector the flexibility to switch fuels when one or more become too expensive.
Autor: Frederick W. SmithMore , Only , Become , Electricity
If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.
Autor: George GobelTelevision , Were , Watching , Electricity
In the 1920s, a generation before the coming of solid-state electronics, one could look at the circuits and see how the electron stream flowed. Radios had valves, as though electricity were a fluid to be diverted by plumbing. With the click of the knob came a significant hiss and hum, just at the edge of audibility.
Autor: James GleickLook , See , Generation , Electricity
If we are to meet the growing electricity demand in the United States without significantly increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, we must maintain a diverse supply of electricity, and nuclear power must be part of that mix.
Autor: Judy BiggertPower , Without , Meet , Electricity
The electron can no longer be conceived as a single, small granule of electricity; it must be associated with a wave, and this wave is no myth; its wavelength can be measured and its interferences predicted.
Autor: Louis de BroglieSingle , Small , Wave , Electricity
I used to think that, by the 21st century, cars would run on electricity rather than gasoline and would have guidance systems so that they actually drove themselves. Specially equipped roadways would transmit instructions to the cars, telling them where to go and how fast. I figured this would be in the lines painted on the roads.
Autor: Pat CadiganThink , Run , Roads , Electricity