Frases sobre ''Eggs''

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If you've broken the eggs, you should make the omelette.

Autor: Anthony Eden
  You , Make , Broken , Eggs

I have to have breakfast, and breakfast has to be eggs, whether in omelet form, hard-boiled, or over-easy.

Autor: Chrissy Teigen
  Form , Breakfast , Whether , Eggs

Alas, bacon and eggs are not health foods.

Autor: Dean Ornish
  Health , Bacon , Eggs , Alas

I cook some damn good eggs!

Autor: Kevin Durand
  Good , Some , Damn , Eggs

It was admitted by the early rabbis that the sectarians could be as full of good works as eggs were full of meat.

Autor: Lionel Blue
  Good , Early , Meat , Eggs

On weekends, I do brunch at home: whole grain bagels, lox, avocado, eggs, and organic bacon.

Autor: Mary Helen Bowers
  Home , Bacon , Weekends , Eggs

My Mexican specialty is chilaquiles. I make tortillas from scratch, then add garlic, onions, eggs, chopped-up carrots and peppers, Jack cheese, and salsa.

Autor: Sara Ramirez
  Make , Cheese , Mexican , Eggs

I love eggs fried over medium.

Autor: Slick Rick
  Love , I Love , Over , Eggs

I like putting all my eggs in one basket and then watching the basket very carefully.

Autor: Stanley Druckenmiller
  Like , Watching , Then , Eggs

My kids like their eggs with catsup. I like mine with salsa.

Autor: Tamra Davis
  Like , Mine , Kids , Eggs

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