Frases sobre ''Efficiency''
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Developing countries have much to gain from capital mobility: the ability to tap external sources of finance, greater financial efficiency from deeper stock and bond markets, and technology transfer and know-how from foreign direct investment.
Autor: Zanny Minton BeddoesTechnology , Finance , Bond , Efficiency
If you have to improve your fuel efficiency every year, it leads to innovation.
Autor: Alan MulallyYou , Your , Innovation , Efficiency
The obvious rule of efficiency is you don't want to spend more time organizing than it's worth.
Autor: Daniel LevitinYou , Time , Worth , Efficiency
The private sector is motivated by profit and efficiency and the US government often is not.
Autor: Eric C. AndersonUs , Government , Efficiency , Profit
I'm pragmatic. I like efficiency. I want to read what's in front of me and not have my hands tied.
Autor: Susan BrooksMe , Want , Hands , Efficiency
I knew I could control one thing, and that is my time and my hours and my effort and my efficiency.
Autor: Ryan SeacrestTime , Effort , Control , Efficiency
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
Autor: Bill GatesWill , Business , Technology , Efficiency
Industry looks at research and development for energy efficiency, lowering material costs, so on and so forth.
Autor: Jamshyd GodrejEnergy , Research , Looks , Efficiency
Back in the mid-1970s, we adopted some fairly ambitious goals to improve efficiency of our cars. What did we get? We got a tremendous boost in efficiency.
Autor: Jay InsleeGoals , Back , Car , Efficiency
At first I probably seem very abrupt, but I like efficiency. There's work and there's play, and I always think: 'Let's get the work over with so we can thoroughly enjoy the play.'
Autor: Kathy ReichsWork , Think , Enjoy , Efficiency