Frases sobre ''Editing''
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I hate editing. I love to write, but I hate to reread my stuff. To revise.
Autor: Barry HannahLove , Write , Hate , Editing
I got started on YouTube when I was a freshman in college. I was a broadcast journalism major, and I already had a lot of experience with video editing and photography.
Autor: Eva GutowskiCollege , Experience , Journalism , Editing
All you're trying to do in an improvisation is get as much material as possible for the editing room.
Autor: Martin ShortYou , Trying , Editing , Room
Dolce & Gabbana is like our child. The editing of a collection before a show is a tough call, as we would like to show everything!
Autor: Stefano GabbanaEverything , Tough , Child , Editing
I feel that working with the camera and editing it is actually my strong suit.
Autor: Adam YauchFeel , Camera , Strong , Editing
I don't shoot movies quickly because I get a lot of coverage and a lot of angles, so we have all the pieces in the editing. I do a lot of takes, but it's because I'm looking for something.
Autor: Nancy MeyersSomething , Looking , Movies , Editing
So, while I gave up the notions of publishing at that time, I never stopped editing and refining that book. A few years later, in 1987, I thought I had it ready to go out again.
Autor: R. A. SalvatoreTime , Book , Thought , Editing
The process of working with the second unit director and basically sharing your workload with another director is such an interesting, delicate thing - and entrusting that person with your vision and making sure that you are not adding a completely different aesthetic to the mix that you don't have to contend with in editing.
Autor: Susanna FogelYou , Editing , Vision , Aesthetic
In 'Serena,' stuff happens, then nastier stuff, without ever engaging the viewer's rooting interest or sick fear. Sometimes it's a question of sloppiness on the set or in the editing room.
Autor: Richard CorlissSometimes , Sick , Fear , Editing
I believe you make a movie three times: once in the development process - putting the ingredients like the script, cast and crew together - once in the shooting process, and once in the editing process.
Autor: Tim BevanYou , Believe , Together , Editing