Frases sobre ''Drinking''

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Drinking intensifies all your pressures and your needs.

Autor: Desi Arnaz
  Your , Needs , Pressures , Drinking

I consider myself an authority on drinking beer.

Autor: Eric Bischoff
  Myself , Beer , Authority , Drinking

I've stopped drinking, but only while I'm asleep.

Autor: George Best
  Only , While , Drinking , Asleep

I think hydration is an important topic. Drinking plenty of fluids is especially important for athletes.

Autor: Mario Gotze
  Think , I Think , Important , Drinking

Drinking is a remarkable, automatic release and a way of relaxing.

Autor: Michelle Huneven
  Way , Remarkable , Release , Drinking

If die I must, let me die drinking in an Inn.

Autor: Walter Map
  Me , Must , Die , Drinking

Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness.

Autor: Walter Scott
  Most , Greatness , Vices , Drinking

The piano has been drinking, not me.

Autor: Tom Waits
  Me , Been , Piano , Drinking

It's not the drinking to be blamed, but the excess.

Autor: John Selden
  Excess , Drinking , Blamed

I thought that the league-imposed restriction on drinking had expired at the end of the regular season.

Autor: Josh Gordon
  End , Thought , Season , Drinking

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