Frases sobre ''Double''

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In the early '90s, we discovered mutations that could double the normal life span of worms.

Autor: Cynthia Kenyon
  Life , Early , Normal Life , Double

If poly A is added to poly U, to form a double or triple helix, the combination is inactive.

Autor: Francis Crick
  Form , Double , Combination , Triple

It's very rare that publications double their frequency.

Autor: James Daly
  Very , Rare , Double , Frequency

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is continually reviewing its safety plan for the 100-plus operating civilian nuclear reactors in the United States. And when those plants were put into operation, they were required to have double and triple redundant safety systems.

Autor: Joe Barton
  Plants , Safety , Plan , Double

What goes for sex goes double for politics.

Autor: Kate Clinton
  Politics , Sex , Double , Goes

I'm not especially interested in actors or their life, double, triple identities and all that.

Autor: Leos Carax
  Life , Interested , Double , Triple

We shoot double episodes in 15 days in Los Angeles.

Autor: Stephen Hopkins
  Los Angeles , Days , Shoot , Double

The broad outlines of the Double Cross deception have been known since 1972, when Sir John Masterman, the former chairman of the double agent committee, controversially published his account of the operation in defiance of official secrecy.

Autor: Ben Macintyre
  Deception , Double , Committee , Sir

We've recorded over our voices once and double the harmonies, make them thick. The Four Freshmen do that.

Autor: Bruce Johnston
  Over , Make , Double , Four

I have no physical courage, I've asked for a double.

Autor: Catherine Deneuve
  Courage , Double , Physical , Asked

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