Frases sobre ''Dollar''
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If you put a ten dollar bill under the rug instead of spending it, that is capital formation. It represents ten dollars' worth of something that might have been immediately consumed, but wasn't.
Autor: Garet GarrettYou , Something , Worth , Dollar
Organized crime is the dirty side of the sharp dollar.
Autor: James ChilesCrime , Side , Dollar , Dirty
My theme this evening is that America needs a competitive dollar.
Autor: Martin FeldsteinAmerica , Evening , Dollar , Theme
The more competitive value of the dollar turned around the trade deficit.
Autor: Martin FeldsteinMore , Value , Trade , Dollar
The prices of all imports would rise if the dollar depreciates.
Autor: Robert C. SolomonDollar , Rise , Prices , Imports
No man can add one dollar to his bank account by worrying.
Autor: Vash YoungMan , Bank , Dollar , Bank Account
I never earned a dollar that was not somehow through writing.
Autor: Walter LordNever , Writing , Through , Dollar
Our reward for Starsky and Hutch was getting to write The Six Million Dollar Man for Todd.
Autor: Thomas LennonMan , Write , Reward , Dollar
I actually enjoy having the Capitol view. We started referring to it as the trillion dollar view.
Autor: Blake FarentholdView , Enjoy , Started , Dollar