Frases sobre ''Divorce''

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The psychological trauma of losing a job can be as great as the trauma of a divorce.

Autor: Barbara Ehrenreich
  Great , Losing , Job , Divorce

I think the key for a child to do well in a divorce is, very simply, you have to be honest with them.

Autor: Dale Archer
  You , Think , Child , Divorce

The biggest financial pitfall in life is divorce. And the biggest reason for divorce is marriage.

Autor: Gene Simmons
  Life , Marriage , Reason , Divorce

My advice to Hillary would be to divorce that chump.

Autor: Gennifer Flowers
  Would , Advice , Divorce , Hillary

Divorce is a 50-50 thing, and it can be a number of petty things that finally drive you out of your mind.

Autor: Lee Radziwill
  You , Mind , Drive , Divorce

If everyone got a divorce and looked for a second wife, the Coptic family would lose its moral compass.

Autor: Pope Shenouda III
  Family , Lose , Wife , Divorce

Financially speaking, I haven't ended my career in the best shape, and there are debts, as well as what is to come by way of a divorce settlement to Mandy.

Autor: Stephen Hendry
  Career , Best , Way , Divorce

Sometimes divorce is better than marriage.

Autor: Sumner Redstone
  Sometimes , Better , Marriage , Divorce

Divorce is a game played by lawyers.

Autor: Cary Grant
  Game , Lawyers , Divorce , Played

My parents had a difficult divorce. My dad had to take a backseat for a few years, and my grandfather came in. He was also my inspiration for becoming an actor. I really respected him.

Autor: Christian Camargo
  Parents , Dad , Grandfather , Divorce

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