Frases sobre ''Division''
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When it's those division games, that's when it gets ramped up for me.
Autor: Dan QuinnMe , Up , Games , Division
You should give no indication that we wish the three-way division of Bosnia.
Autor: Franjo TudjmanYou , Give , Wish , Division
I don't make a division between an art film and commercial art.
Autor: Joe WrightArt , Make , Film , Division
ILM was the first company that I had worked at that had a computer-graphics division.
Autor: John KnollFirst , Had , Company , Division
I was a prosecutor in Brooklyn in the homicide division and then as a senior assistant district attorney.
Autor: Star JonesThen , Division , Brooklyn , Prosecutor
It's really exciting to be a part of the Women's Division here in NXT.
Autor: CarmellaExciting , Here , Women , Division
The fundamental division of powers in the Constitution of the United States is between voters on the one hand and property owners on the other.
Autor: Charles A. BeardHand , Constitution , Division , Property
There are the countries of the north of Europe taking decisions and the countries of the south of Europe that are living under intervention. This division exists.
Autor: Jose Maria AznarLiving , Decisions , Europe , Division
Life does not proceed by the association and addition of elements, but by dissociation and division.
Autor: Henri BergsonLife , Does , Association , Division