Frases sobre ''Disrespect''

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It astonished me in the early Nineties to suddenly have musicians admit that they had been inspired and influenced by us. That meant a lot at that time. But of course, being human, the... disrespect isn't even strong enough a word, is it? The opprobrium was painful. Being popular and hated is not satisfying.

Autor: Neil Peart
  Me , Time , Strong , Disrespect

No disrespect to Kyle Orton, who's been solid and stable for both the Broncos and the Bears, but I think the upside for Tim Tebow is greater right now.

Autor: Terrell Davis
  Think , Now , Right , Disrespect

Disrespect is my biggest pet peeve.

Autor: Bill Goldberg
  Biggest , Pet , Disrespect

We can't disrespect people for having a different opinion.

Autor: Cory Gardner
  People , Opinion , Different , Disrespect

I don't like to disrespect people or my opponents. Anything can happen.

Autor: Demetrious Johnson
  People , Like , Happen , Disrespect

Never fight with or disrespect your partner in front of other people.

Autor: Divyanka Tripathi
  People , Fight , Disrespect , Partner

Disrespect toward Jesus, as we have seen all too often in our society, is very offensive to Muslims.

Autor: Ibrahim Hooper
  Society , Seen , Very , Disrespect

I'm a mama's boy because everything I do is with respect to my mother. I won't do a movie or a video that would bring disrespect to my mother.

Autor: Mr. T
  Respect , Boy , Mother , Disrespect

No disrespect to any other god, but Shiva's an outsider god. He breaks the rules. He's a brilliant musician, a brilliant dancer; he treats his wife as an equal, and she opposes him many times, but he obsessively loves her.

Autor: Amish Tripathi
  God , Wife , Rules , Disrespect

I'd never disrespect women. I have been brought up to treat women with courtesy and dignity.

Autor: Yo Yo Honey Singh
  Women , Dignity , Disrespect , Treat

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