Frases sobre ''Dirt''

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When the militias came to Wau, they would blast out 'Thriller' as they moved down the dirt streets.

Autor: Alek Wek
  Down , Out , Streets , Dirt

I didn't mean to hit the umpire with the dirt, but I did mean to hit that bastard in the stands.

Autor: Babe Ruth
  Did , Mean , Hit , Dirt

As soon as the dirt is hitting the casket, it'll all be forgotten.

Autor: Eric Bogosian
  Soon , Forgotten , Dirt , Hitting

The dirt was OK, but once you hit the grass... Wet grass is slippery.

Autor: Greg Maddux
  You , Grass , Dirt , Wet

I grew up on two wheels in the dirt.

Autor: Jimmie Johnson
  Up , Two , Wheels , Dirt

I grew up on a dirt road with brothers.

Autor: Josh Holloway
  Up , Road , Dirt , Brothers

I abhor a hoe. I am fond of flowers but not of dirt, and had rather buy them than cultivate them.

Autor: Lyman Abbott
  I Am , Flowers , Buy , Dirt

I like to dirt bike ride, four wheeler, go-kart.

Autor: RJ Mitte
  Like , Bike , Ride , Dirt

The terrible thing about sunlight is it shows the dirt.

Autor: Brigid Berlin
  About , Terrible , Dirt , Sunlight

In 'Deadwood,' it was just extremely unaesthetic. They actually put underarm merkins on and covered me with dirt!

Autor: Robin Weigert
  Me , Just , Dirt , Put

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