Frases sobre ''Diplomacy''
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I don't think that anybody should be ruling in or ruling out anything while we are conducting diplomacy.
Autor: Douglas FeithThink , Anything , Out , Diplomacy
When people think of digital diplomacy, they think of government tweeting. It is not what it is. That is public diplomacy.
Autor: Jared CohenPeople , Think , Government , Diplomacy
Diplomacy is really far less important than the stock movements within Russia.
Autor: Alan GreenspanImportant , Far , Russia , Diplomacy
Diplomacy in general does not resolve conflicts. Wars end not due to peace processes, but due to one side giving up.
Autor: Daniel PipesEnd , Peace , Giving Up , Diplomacy
Successful diplomacy is an alignment of objectives and means.
Autor: Dennis RossSuccessful , Means , Diplomacy , Alignment
Diplomacy is fundamentally working with people, bringing people together to deal with difficult issues.
Autor: John RoosPeople , Difficult , Together , Diplomacy
Haitian diplomacy will be oriented toward the influx of foreign capital, direct investments that create jobs and stimulate economic growth.
Autor: Laurent LamotheWill , Growth , Diplomacy , Economic Growth
Diplomacy is important, extremely important, and I don't think these reductions at the State Department are appropriate because many times diplomacy is a lot more effective - and cert cheaper - than military engagement.
Autor: Mitch McConnellThink , Important , Military , Diplomacy
I think that war is diplomacy by other means, for sure, and there have been wars that have been fought for righteous reasons. There are wars that have had to be fought, and there will probably continue to be.
Autor: Stephen LangThink , Will , War , Diplomacy
We must never relent in our efforts to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and through all of the instruments bestowed by the Charter of the United Nations.
Autor: Felipe VI of SpainNever , Must , United Nations , Diplomacy