Frases sobre ''Dinosaur''

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I want flowers; I don't want to text. What does that make me? What kind of dinosaur am I?

Autor: Jennifer Garner
  Me , Want , Flowers , Dinosaur

A caveman took a shell, and maybe it had a hole in it, or maybe he put a hole in it, and he put it on a piece of a tail of a donkey or a dinosaur or something and gave it to the cavewoman. She put it around her neck - the first jewel.

Autor: Kenneth Jay Lane
  Something , She , Her , Dinosaur

I think most of the dinosaur specimens we find represent subadult sizes.

Autor: Jack Horner
  Think , Find , I Think , Dinosaur

I heard that Jesus had a pet dinosaur. Evolution must be a myth then.

Autor: John Bacon
  Pet , Myth , Evolution , Dinosaur

I wouldn't call myself a dinosaur.

Autor: Boz Burrell
  Myself , Call , Dinosaur

I found my first dinosaur bone when I was 6, growing up in Montana. Ever since then I've been interested in dinosaurs.

Autor: Jack Horner
  Up , Growing Up , First , Dinosaur

Britain's most useful role is somewhere between bee and dinosaur.

Autor: Harold Macmillan
  Somewhere , Useful , Bee , Dinosaur

Fossils have richer stories to tell - about the lub-dub of dinosaur life - than we have been willing to listen to.

Autor: Robert T. Bakker
  Life , Tell , Listen , Dinosaur

I'm basically a dinosaur. I don't use e-mail. But I do recognize the importance of science and the resulting possibilities.

Autor: Bernard Marcus
  Science , Possibilities , Use , Dinosaur

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