Frases sobre ''Die''
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A lot of people want to die for a lot of reasons.
Autor: Johnny ThundersPeople , Want , Die , Reasons
The basic premise of this is that, yes, people have learned to clone each other, but that cloning is illegal. Not that it's bad, just that the law as it is now, is that if you die, you're dead.
Autor: Roger SpottiswoodeYou , People , Law , Die
Because ALS is underfunded, patients have had no option but to fade away and die. That is not OK.
Autor: Steve GleasonBecause , Away , Die , Fade
When you're tied to one show, you are very much at the mercy of the writers, so you can suddenly get a script where you have a heart attack and die.
Autor: Alan DaleYou , Heart , Die , Mercy
It takes four months to ship food aid and 40 percent of the cost is in the shipping. People cannot eat shipping costs. We have had people die when there are surpluses in the markets.
Autor: Andrew NatsiosPeople , Food , Ship , Die
People who die in an untimely way who are artists, somehow that validates their art, we feel. Why culturally we feel that, I don't know.
Autor: Kevin MacdonaldPeople , Feel , Art , Die
Everybody that's living in this earth is living in a situation. It's not narrow-minded to the point where everybody is serious and nobody has a personality. I think people die telling jokes.
Autor: Mike EppsPeople , Nobody , Personality , Die
When we get to what happens when we die, we don't have any video footage. So let's at least be honest that we are speculating, because we are.
Autor: Rob BellGet , Happens , Die , Honest
Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce.
Autor: Natalie GoldbergLife , Love , Fall , Die