Frases sobre ''Dice''
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With improvisation, I just do it. It might be a total failure but then you just throw the dice again.
Autor: Christian MarclayYou , Just , Failure , Dice
One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six.
Autor: Navjot Singh SidhuNever , Expect , Dice , Never Expect
In racing, I wanted to be a winner and to be a winner, you have to be willing to roll the dice.
Autor: Bobby RahalYou , Racing , Dice , Winner
I like playing roulette, I like dice. I grew up with gamblers.
Autor: Chazz PalminteriUp , Like , Playing , Dice
When I approached Volume 1 of 'Lucid,' I realized I could tell something that only exists in four issues, or I could roll the dice a bit and approach this as Season 1 of a TV show.
Autor: Michael McMillianSomething , Tell , Show , Dice
I read Shakespeare and the Bible, and I can shoot dice. That's what I call a liberal education.
Autor: Tallulah BankheadEducation , I Can , Bible , Dice
I moved on from dice baseball to 'MLB: The Show' on PlayStation.
Autor: Nate CorddryBaseball , Show , Dice , Playstation