Frases sobre ''Determine''

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American advertisers rely on 'essentially illogical' approaches to determine their advertising budgets.

Autor: Michael Schudson
  American , Advertising , Rely , Determine

We're living under the illusion that we have the power to determine what to do with it.

Autor: Mordecai Wyatt Johnson
  Living , Power , Illusion , Determine

I do absolutely believe that the climate is changing. I'm not prepared to determine causation.

Autor: Kirstjen Nielsen
  Believe , Climate , Changing , Determine

Death does determine life.

Autor: Pier Paolo Pasolini
  Life , Death , Does , Determine

The success of our economy shouldn't determine the success of our schools.

Autor: Bob Riley
  Success , Our , Economy , Determine

Goals determine what you're going to be.

Autor: Julius Erving
  You , Goals , Going , Determine

When we get to the future, I'll determine the future.

Autor: George Allen, Sr.
  Future , Get , Determine

It's hard to determine where lies culpability.

Autor: Roger Mahony
  Where , Hard , Lies , Determine

Websites don't have to be complicated