Frases sobre ''Dentist''
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I am lucky: I have fantastic doctors and a fantastic dentist.
Autor: Anna Deavere SmithI Am , Lucky , Fantastic , Dentist
Before I got into rock n' roll, I was going to be a dentist.
Autor: Gregg AllmanGoing , Rock , Got , Dentist
The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist's drill.
Autor: Leonard WoolfPeople , Painful , Dentist , Intellect
I was never afraid of anything in the world except the dentist.
Autor: Taylor CaldwellNever , World , Afraid , Dentist
I live at the dentist's. I'm on my third set of teeth that they put in with nails and screws.
Autor: Charles Nelson ReillyLive , Nails , Dentist , Teeth
My dad was an actor and a writer; my mum was a drama teacher. My grandma was an actress. My aunt is an actress. My granddad was a cameraman. They would've been surprised if I wanted to be a dentist or something like that.
Autor: Charlie RoweDrama , Teacher , Dad , Dentist
I go to the dentist every six months, I get a cleaning, so... I'm fortunate enough that those fluoride treatments as a child worked. Not getting any cavities.
Autor: Daniel ToshEnough , Child , Cleaning , Dentist
What helps writers, and ultimately, obviously, helps the actors - who should serve the words that the writer puts on the page - is if the character has damages, because then the writers can cultivate and excavate, like a dentist going into a tooth.
Autor: John C. McGinleyWords , Like , Character , Dentist