Frases sobre ''Demons''

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You're always fighting the demons.

Autor: Doug Baldwin
  You , Always , Fighting , Demons

Don't set out to make a scary movie and then flinch every time you're supposed to scare somebody because you're afraid of being MPAA or you're afraid of your own demons or whatever.

Autor: Andrew Bryniarski
  You , Your , Time , Demons

I believe in possibility, but I'm not sure I believe in demons.

Autor: Jennifer Carpenter
  Believe , I Believe , Demons , I Believe In

I'm not this dark, twisted person. Yes, I have my demons and this is my way of exorcising them. It gets them out - and better out than in.

Autor: Naomi Watts
  Better , Way , Dark , Demons

I know the type of demons they have to fight and I am going to help them, because it's the only way I can keep them from getting to my family. I have to clean up my friends because they are around my boys. It's upsetting.

Autor: Michael Irvin
  Family , I Am , Fight , Demons

I've been obsessed with demons since reading 'The Elfstones of Shannara' and 'Master of the Five Magics' by Lyndon Hardy.

Autor: Peter V. Brett
  Reading , Master , Five , Demons

For lack of a better word, acting is therapeutic. You really are breaking down barriers, exorcising demons and finding more out about yourself.

Autor: Charlie Bewley
  You , Yourself , Down , Demons

I don't spend a lot of time thinking about scary demons, but I think that there are things in this world that are unexplainable that are mystical or paranormal. The possibility is there, definitely.

Autor: Katie Featherston
  Time , World , Thinking , Demons

People are afraid to show women with demons. But I think it's important for women to see flawed female characters. We're held to a perfect standard, but every woman is flawed.

Autor: Riley Keough
  People , Women , Woman , Demons

I did 'Echo Beach,' a surfing drama that meant I was often topless. Next came 'Demons,' and the opening sequence had me in my boxer shorts; and then there was a scene in 'Trinity' with me walking around in boxer shorts. It was only one scene in each series.

Autor: Christian Cooke
  Me , Beach , Walking , Demons

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