Frases sobre ''Deceived''
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Nor can the Apostle mean that Eve only sinned; or that she only was Deceived, for if Adam sinned willfully and knowingly, he became the greater Transgressor.
Autor: Mary AstellOnly , She , Mean , Deceived
I have been constantly betrayed and deceived all my life.
Autor: Taylor CaldwellLife , My Life , Been , Deceived
Men wholly bent on wordly treasures were the dupes of their own passions, rather than deceived by the writings or pretenses of those who claimed to be Alchemists.
Autor: Ethan A. HitchcockOwn , Who , Men , Deceived
It was the men I deceived the most that I loved the most.
Autor: Marguerite DurasMen , Most , Loved , Deceived
The truth cannot be deceptive, and one who sees it cannot be deceived.
Autor: Said NursiWho , Truth , Cannot , Deceived
I don't think we should be deceived that art is such a moral thing.
Autor: Svetlana AlexievichMoral , Think , Art , Deceived
I was involved, deeply involved, in a deception... I have deceived my friends - and I had millions of them.
Autor: Charles Van DorenFriends , Deception , Them , Deceived
The fear of being deceived is the vulgar version of the quest for Truth.
Autor: Emil CioranBeing , Truth , Fear , Deceived