Frases sobre ''Courageous''
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I'm not sure Americans are hesitant to do this again - to fight another war, because it looked to them like a courageous and terrific endeavor.
Autor: Ashleigh BanfieldLike , Because , War , Fight , Courageous
Jesus showed us how to be courageous and sacrificial while we die for our beliefs, not while we kill for them.
Autor: Frederica Mathewes-GreenHow , Us , Die , Courageous
Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best.
Autor: Gabrielle GiffordsYour , Best , Passionate , Courageous
I think my ancestors had to be enormously strong emotionally and very courageous.
Autor: Jim MurphyThink , Strong , Ancestors , Courageous
There are times when it is more courageous to be cowardly.
Autor: Norman Reilly RaineMore , Times , Courageous , Cowardly
It is difficult to constantly make courageous choices.
Autor: Radhika ApteDifficult , Make , Choices , Courageous
I meet my fears with excitement. They are an excuse to be courageous.
Autor: Catherine OxenbergMeet , Excuse , Excitement , Courageous
The shrewd guess, the fertile hypothesis, the courageous leap to a tentative conclusion - these are the most valuable coins of the thinker at work. But in most schools guessing is heavily penalized and is associated somehow with laziness.
Autor: Jerome BrunerWork , Laziness , Courageous , Leap