Frases sobre ''Cotton''

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The federal government does not trample in jackboots those with whom it does business. It wraps them in cotton batting and, when they express ingratitude, apologizes profusely.

Autor: Timothy Noah
  Business , Them , Government , Cotton

Cotton was a force of nature. There's a poetry to it, hoeing and growing cotton.

Autor: B. B. King
  Poetry , Nature , Force , Cotton

I was a hard-workin' little boy. Oh, I worked. Pullin' cotton, shockin' grain, cuttin' wheat, loadin' wheat, choppin' cotton, cleanin' chicken houses, milkin' cows, plowin'.

Autor: Jimmy Dean
  Boy , Chicken , Little , Cotton

Cotton candy is the most amazing form of caramelization ever invented by man.

Autor: Jose Andres
  Man , Amazing , Candy , Cotton

My childhood home backed onto wheat and cotton fields.

Autor: Robert B. Laughlin
  Home , Childhood , Cotton , Fields

I went to the top of the Cotton Bowl by myself, sat down and cried.

Autor: Lesley Visser
  Myself , Down , Top , Cotton

We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when strawberries bloom in Israel.

Autor: Golda Meir
  New , Israel , Cotton , Bloom

I have to have the cotton candy shipped in.

Autor: Meg White
  Candy , Cotton , Shipped

Metro was really a star-builder, no doubt about that. You were wrapped in cotton wool.

Autor: Peter Lawford
  You , About , Doubt , Cotton

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