Frases sobre ''Costs''

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We really do have to get at the underlying question of health-care costs.

Autor: Angela Braly
  Really , Get , Question , Costs

What we pay for with our lives never costs too much.

Autor: Antonio Porchia
  Never , Pay , Too Much , Costs

Fully implementing the WTO trade facilitation agreement is one ingredient to reduce border delays and costs for traded merchandise.

Autor: Arancha Gonzalez
  Border , Trade , Agreement , Costs

I won the lottery. I don't care what it costs.

Autor: Jack Whittaker
  Care , Won , Costs , Lottery

Every day, lax sentencing costs lives.

Autor: Jeff Sessions
  Day , Every Day , Every , Costs

Alabama seniors all across the Third Congressional District continue facing high drug costs.

Autor: Mike Rogers
  High , Continue , Seniors , Costs

Though dams and artificial lakes can have significant negative environmental impacts, when carefully considered, mitigated, and managed, the benefits of hydropower often outweigh these costs.

Autor: Seth Moulton
  Negative , Environmental , Though , Costs

The investments and costs you have to put into digitalising means there will be an incentive for companies to merge.

Autor: Soren Skou
  You , Will , Costs , Incentive

Age is the thing that correlates best to what health coverage costs.

Autor: Tom Price
  Best , Age , Health , Costs

Falling entry barriers and lower access costs have significantly democratised participation, whether in production or consumption.

Autor: Mohamed El-Erian
  Falling , Participation , Barriers , Costs

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