Frases sobre ''Corrupt''
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Voters definitely believe Washington is corrupt - but most think it's bipartisan.
Autor: Chuck ToddThink , Believe , Washington , Corrupt
New Orleans reminds me of Romania because New Orleans is very corrupt politically.
Autor: Andrei CodrescuMe , New , Because , Corrupt
The proximate cause of Iraq's unraveling was the increasing authoritarian, sectarian, and corrupt conduct of the Iraqi government and its leader after the departure of the last U.S. combat forces in 2011.
Autor: David PetraeusLast , Government , Leader , Corrupt
This is what happened to me when I received the governorship. The corrupt previous governor didn't do the handover. We received the Miranda governorship completely dismantled.
Autor: Henrique Capriles RadonskiMe , Happened , Corrupt , Governor
Party leads to vicious, corrupt and unprofitable legislation, for the sole purpose of defeating party.
Autor: James Fenimore CooperParty , Purpose , Leads , Corrupt
Jimmy Meng sought to be a power broker in the halls of justice. But the influence he sought to peddle was corrupt, and his power was illusory.
Autor: Loretta LynchPower , Influence , Justice , Corrupt
Obstruction of justice requires a corrupt intent.
Autor: Neal KatyalJustice , Corrupt , Obstruction , Intent
People endure what they endure and they deal with it. It may corrupt them. It may lead them into all sorts of compensatory excesses.
Autor: Dennis PotterPeople , Lead , Corrupt , Endure