Frases sobre ''Continuity''
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What makes a great golf course is continuity and variety: right-to-left holes, left-to-right holes.
Autor: Amy AlcottGolf , Great , Variety , Continuity
It was all recorded and mixed and there's more continuity in it more direction.
Autor: Dave EdmundsMore , Direction , Continuity , Mixed
Continuity does not rule out fresh approaches to fresh situations.
Autor: Dean RuskOut , Does , Fresh , Continuity
By definition, sacred beings are separated beings. That which characterizes them is that there is a break of continuity between them and the profane beings.
Autor: Emile DurkheimWhich , Them , Break , Continuity
Continuity is at the heart of conservatism: ecology serves that heart.
Autor: Garrett HardinHeart , Conservatism , Continuity , Ecology
But we are entitled to look for continuity in politics.
Autor: Jonathan CoeLook , Politics , Continuity , Entitled
A volume of stories, bereft of continuity in plot and character, is often unified only by the writer's obsessiveness.
Autor: Max AppleOnly , Character , Writer , Continuity
Finally, strategy must have continuity. It can't be constantly reinvented.
Autor: Michael PorterMust , Finally , Strategy , Continuity
The ability to change constantly and effectively is made easier by high-level continuity.
Autor: Michael PorterAbility , Change , Made , Continuity
So companies have to be very schizophrenic. On one hand, they have to maintain continuity of strategy. But they also have to be good at continuously improving.
Autor: Michael PorterGood , Hand , Strategy , Continuity