Frases sobre ''Compassion''

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I don't think, there's no possible way for me, anyway, to play a character that I haven't found some sort of sublime compassion for and I related to Deborah on a way that almost, initially, almost in a way maybe someone in the audience might.

Autor: Tea Leoni
  Me , Think , Character , Compassion

There are no greater treasures than the highest human qualities such as compassion, courage and hope. Not even tragic accident or disaster can destroy such treasures of the heart.

Autor: Daisaku Ikeda
  Heart , Courage , Hope , Compassion

We're a migrant nation made up of people who've been torn out of other worlds, and you'd think we would have some compassion.

Autor: Richard Flanagan
  You , People , Think , Compassion

I'm a huge fan of Richard Curtis - there's real grief, real compassion in his films as well as cheekiness; it's a wonderful cocktail.

Autor: Susanne Bier
  Real , Grief , Compassion , Cocktail

I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the full menu of rights.

Autor: Desmond Tutu
  I Am , Sympathy , Someone , Compassion

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.

Autor: Francis of Assisi
  You , Men , God , Compassion

In just my own neighborhood, you can't go one block without seeing a sign that says, you know, 'Everyone's welcome here,' 'Refugees are welcome here.' I love my Muslim neighbors, and so there is truly this spirit of generosity and compassion and openness that still exists.

Autor: Ilhan Omar
  Love , You , Welcome , Compassion

However, without considering this connection, there is no doubt but that more good than evil, more delight than sorrow, arises from compassion itself; there being so many things which balance the sorrow of it.

Autor: Joseph Butler
  Good , Evil , Balance , Compassion

I want to be part of the storytelling that educates people and awakens a sense of compassion in other people of the kind of people they don't encounter in their daily lives very frequently.

Autor: Kelly McCreary
  People , Want , Daily , Compassion

I'm hopeful for a world with more love, acceptance, and compassion for others.

Autor: Lily Aldridge
  Love , World , Compassion , Acceptance

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