Frases sobre ''Command''

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The AEC had at its command an army of highly skilled scientists.

Autor: Barry Commoner
  Had , Army , Command , Scientists

The power to command has never meant the power to remain mysterious.

Autor: Ferdinand Foch
  Never , Power , Command , Mysterious

Solid-fuel rockets can't easily be shut down on command.

Autor: Henry Spencer
  Down , Command , Shut , Rockets

It is easier for a tutor to command than to teach.

Autor: John Locke
  Than , Teach , Command , Tutor

The only thing I command is respect.

Autor: Kyrie Irving
  Only , Respect , Command , The Only Thing

When placed in command, take charge.

Autor: Norman Schwarzkopf
  Take , Leadership , Command , Charge

Learn to obey before you command.

Autor: Solón
  You , Learn , Command , Obey

The ship was named the Bounty: I was appointed to command her on the 16th of August 1787.

Autor: William Bligh
  Ship , Her , Command , August

I have discovered that there are two types of command interfaces in the world of computing: good interfaces and user interfaces.

Autor: Daniel J. Bernstein
  World , Two , Good , Command

Tis a dainty thing to command, though twere but a flock of sheep.

Autor: Miguel de Cervantes
  Sheep , Thing , Though , Command

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