Frases sobre ''Cocky''

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I've never been cocky. Even right now I don't like to talk about the Olympics.

Autor: Aly Raisman
  Never , Like , Talk , Cocky

I guess I have a little bit of an ego. I'm confidently cocky, you might say.

Autor: Conor McGregor
  You , Say , Cocky , Ego

I can be a little cocky.

Autor: Giannis Antetokounmpo
  I Can , Little , Cocky

I was heavy and overweight as a teenager, so it's hard to be cocky or egotistical.

Autor: Lorenzo Lamas
  Hard , Cocky , Heavy , Overweight

I got cocky and I stopped taking my vitamins. It was an inconvenience to have a suitcase full of vitamins with me on the road. About two years ago, it caught up with me.

Autor: Mary Ann Mobley
  Me , Two , Road , Cocky

It's wonderful to win, but don't get cocky about it!

Autor: Richard Dawson
  Get , Win , Cocky , Wonderful

I'm not talent. Not considered 'talent' by Lifetime. I'd like to say I'm their savior, but that would be cocky.

Autor: Abby Lee Miller
  Say , Like , Talent , Cocky

I was a little bit of a cocky kid.

Autor: Bill Ackman
  Kid , Little , Cocky , Little Bit

I was a very cocky and unlikable young comic. But I came from the hood, and that's what I learned.

Autor: Carlos Mencia
  Young , Very , Cocky , Hood

I think everybody goes through times where they're vulnerable and then times where you're confident and cocky.

Autor: Syd
  You , Think , Cocky , Confident

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