Frases sobre ''Clients''

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All clients think that they are architects.

Autor: Annabelle Selldorf
  Think , Clients , Architects

I still owe a duty of loyalty to my clients and former clients, so I cannot specify which clients I did not especially find congenial, but the cause was the same.

Autor: Floyd Abrams
  Find , Clients , Loyalty , Duty

Once you become more like Madison Avenue, you become acutely sensitive to what's going to annoy your clients.

Autor: Glenn Kelman
  You , Your , Like , Clients

The Cantor reputation is one we get from clients and those we hire.

Autor: Howard Lutnick
  Get , Clients , Reputation , Those

I know what it feels like to represent clients who can't get restraining orders on abusive partners.

Autor: Kate Brown
  Know , Who , Like , Clients

Lawyers claim that their clients have been grossly mistreated, which is what criminal defense lawyers are paid to do.

Autor: Ken Starr
  Clients , Been , Lawyers , Criminal

All of my clients have athletic or curvy, healthy bodies.

Autor: Rachel Zoe
  Clients , Healthy , Curvy , Athletic

Our aim is to help the clients help themselves, not to tell them what to think.

Autor: Peter Hargreaves
  Help , Think , Clients , Aim

Lots of stand-up showcases on TV are made by production companies that also represent acts as clients, so there tends to be a demonstrable bias towards a certain group of people.

Autor: Stewart Lee
  People , Clients , Group , Bias

When we launched The Deck, I hoped other networks would take inspiration from it and figure out how to increase engagement while minimizing clutter. I even tried to sell my studio's media clients on the notion of fewer, better-priced, better-targeted ads.

Autor: Jeffrey Zeldman
  How , Clients , Media , Inspiration

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