Frases sobre ''Cleaning''

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One thing I have frankly decided is that when it comes to political reform we have two conservative parties in British politics. Both the Labour and Conservative parties have constantly and repeatedly failed to honour promises they have made about reforming, cleaning, modernising our clapped-out system.

Autor: Nick Clegg
  Politics , Political , Promises , Cleaning

Of course I was delighted the flight was over, but I still had to worry about cleaning up inside the cabin, I had to worry about the hatch, how to get in the sling, and so on.

Autor: Alan Shepard
  Inside , Worry , Cleaning , Flight

Of course I have to clean my room and sometimes wash the dishes. And do a lot of other cleaning because my brothers, they leave a mess. But me too, me too. I have to admit I'm guilty of that, too.

Autor: Anthony Gonzalez
  Me , Sometimes , Guilty , Cleaning

When you make something, cleaning it out of structural debris is one of the most vital things you do.

Autor: Christopher Alexander
  You , Something , Things , Cleaning

I'm really good at laundry, and I have no problem cleaning the kitchen.

Autor: Denis Leary
  Good , Problem , Kitchen , Cleaning

I learned how to lend money by cleaning up the messes of others who had made loans before me.

Autor: John Stumpf
  Others , Me , Money , Cleaning

I have sporadic OCD cleaning moments around the house. But then I get lazy and I'm cured. It's a very inconsistent personality trait.

Autor: Chris Hemsworth
  House , Personality , Moments , Cleaning

Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece.

Autor: Nadia Boulanger
  Life , Trying , Attention , Cleaning

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.

Autor: Marie Kondo
  Feel , Happiness , Environment , Cleaning

Some of us are like a shovel brigade that follow a parade down Main Street cleaning up.

Autor: Donald T. Regan
  Down , Follow , Street , Cleaning

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