Frases sobre ''Classy''

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I love Audrey Hepburn; I love those silhouettes and T-length skirts and stuff. They're just very classy. I like to mix that look with quirkiness, kind of like how Katy Perry has that quirkiness.

Autor: Megan Nicole
  Love , Look , Like , Classy

I have become convinced that everything that is classy doesn't go away.

Autor: Adam West
  Everything , Go , Become , Classy

I am a classy dame.

Autor: Evangeline Lilly
  I Am , Am , Classy , Dame

Every woman is after a kind of classy image.

Autor: Evangeline Lilly
  Woman , Kind , Image , Classy

I don't consider myself a goody-goody, but I like to be perceived as classy.

Autor: Kristen Johnston
  Myself , Like , Classy , Consider

David Beckham is a top man. I love the guy and what he can show in terms of style as well. He's really classy, an icon.

Autor: Olivier Giroud
  Love , Man , Style , Classy

I know Gov. Palin is a classy lady and has her head on straight.

Autor: Paul Gosar
  Know , Head , Classy , Lady

I try to dress classy and dance cheesy.

Autor: Psy
  Dance , Dress , Try , Classy

I don't understand the rewarding of behavior that is less than classy. I don't get it.

Autor: Bonnie Hunt
  Understand , Behavior , Get , Classy

I love Blake Lively. She's one of my favorite actresses, and she's got a really classy and beautiful look. She's somebody that I really look up to and follow.

Autor: Danielle Campbell
  Love , Look , Beautiful , Classy

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