Frases sobre ''Clarity''
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Good legislation should bring clarity and not confusion.
Autor: Bill HaslamGood , Bring , Clarity , Confusion
It is often said that definitions of Islamic government are imprecise. To me, however, they seemed to have a clarity that was completely familiar and also, it must be said, far from reassuring.
Autor: Michel FoucaultMe , Said , Government , Clarity
I certainly am interested in accessibility, clarity, and immediacy.
Autor: Paul MuldoonAm , Interested , Certainly , Clarity
Their spirits and their visions are embodied in their craft. And so is mine. It's not Jane Saw Puff. But the clarity of Jane Saw Puff is precious to me.
Autor: Sharon OldsMe , Mine , Precious , Clarity
I continue to be drawn to clarity and simplicity. 'Less is more' remains my mantra.
Autor: Stephane RollandMore , Simplicity , Less Is More , Clarity
What unites Sanders, McCarthy, McGovern and Reagan is the unmistakable clarity of their moral convictions, their tendency to outrage, and their insistence that the United States needs to embark on a whole new path.
Autor: Cass SunsteinMoral , New , Path , Clarity