Frases sobre ''Cigarettes''
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Coffee and cigarettes, that's one of my weaknesses.
Autor: Jason BehrCoffee , Weaknesses , Cigarettes
I've always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I do better with that than I do with torture.
Autor: Jim MattisMe , Always , Better , Cigarettes
Cigarettes are not a part of human behaviour, they are a habit.
Autor: Joe EszterhasHuman , Habit , Behaviour , Cigarettes
Cigarettes are the worst thing in the world for you.
Autor: Kurt VileYou , World , Worst , Cigarettes
I put the heart attack down to 66 cigarettes a day.
Autor: Nigel LythgoeDay , Heart , Down , Cigarettes
If somebody invented cigarettes today, the government would not legalize them.
Autor: Loni AndersonToday , Legal , Government , Cigarettes
The attacks on global warming are no different than the attacks the cigarettes companies used to use to say that cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Autor: Leonard MlodinowSay , Global Warming , Cancer , Cigarettes
The public has this misconception that vaping is a safe alternative when compared to cigarettes.
Autor: Mikhail VarshavskiSafe , Public , Cigarettes , Misconception