Frases sobre ''Cigarette''
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Let me respond with a few points, the first being that all immigrants pay taxes, income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette taxes, every tax when they make a purchase.
Autor: Luis GutierrezMe , Being , Immigrants , Cigarette
It is difficult to determine the cause of grass fires. There is usually nothing left behind when we get there, like a cigarette or a gas can, for us to determine what started it.
Autor: John GloverNothing , Difficult , Grass , Cigarette
Your lungs are changed forever from your first cigarette.
Autor: Loni AndersonYour , First , Forever , Cigarette
Listening to a news broadcast is like smoking a cigarette and crushing the butt in the ashtray.
Autor: Milan KunderaListening , News , Smoking , Cigarette
Then I would have an occasional cigarette and then I started back dipping. I started dipping last year. My family has asked me again to stop, and I'm trying my best to do that.
Autor: Payne StewartMe , Family , Best , Cigarette
When I got to Grinnell College, I was part of the black turtleneck sweater and Camel cigarette crowd of poets and writers.
Autor: Peter CoyoteBlack , College , Cigarette , Sweater
A troubled marriage can be as hazardous to physical health as cigarette smoking.
Autor: Robert J. WaldingerMarriage , Health , Smoking , Cigarette
I did that for 40 years or more. I never had any writer's block. I got up in the morning, sat down at the typewriter - now, computer - lit up a cigarette.
Autor: Frederik PohlNever , Morning , Down , Cigarette
Smokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette.
Autor: Sidonie-Gabrielle ColetteTime , Every , Light , Cigarette
I met the surgeon general - he offered me a cigarette.
Autor: Rodney DangerfieldMe , He , Surgeon , Cigarette