Frases sobre ''Chubby''

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I was a little chubby, rosy-cheeked kid.

Autor: Brad Goreski
  Kid , Little , Chubby

Chubby Checker changed the dance floor.

Autor: Chubby Checker
  Dance , Changed , Chubby , Floor

I was a little bit chubby when I was a kid.

Autor: Dexter Scott King
  Kid , Little , Chubby , Little Bit

Jerry Springer' is just kind of the chubby, redneck version of throwing Christians to the lions.

Autor: Hal Sparks
  Just , Version , Chubby , Redneck

I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases.

Autor: Kesha
  Through , Awkward , Chubby , Weirdo

I'm just a wee, chubby boy that happens to sing songs.

Autor: Lewis Capaldi
  Just , Boy , Happens , Chubby

I was a short, chubby kid, pretty shy.

Autor: Matthew Lewis
  Pretty , Short , Shy , Chubby

A bloke once yelled out: 'You've got chubby knees.' I was 19. I've had a real complex about my knees ever since.

Autor: Mel Giedroyc
  You , Out , Real , Chubby

I'm sure that my father becoming seriously ill when I was 14 had a lot to do with my going from chubby to fat.

Autor: Rafe Spall
  Father , Fat , Seriously , Chubby

I was quite short and chubby until I was 14, when I shot up.

Autor: Rajiv Ouseph
  Up , Short , Shot , Chubby

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