Frases sobre ''Chinese''
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For example, in Malay, there are pronunciations that are similar to Chinese.
Autor: Andy LauExample , Similar , Chinese , For Example
I've studied Chinese in college, but basically, I'm not bilingual.
Autor: David Henry HwangCollege , Chinese , Basically , Bilingual
But if the Chinese mainland, the PRC, attacked Taiwan, we'd be obligated to come to their aid.
Autor: Fred ThompsonCome , Taiwan , Chinese , Attacked
Club Med is very suitable for a Chinese lifestyle.
Autor: Guo GuangchangVery , Club , Lifestyle , Chinese
Most of my background is Filipino and partly Chinese, but mostly Filipino.
Autor: Reggie LeeBackground , Most , Chinese , Filipino
I'm not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.
Autor: Charles de LintInteresting , Times , Thrive , Chinese