Frases sobre ''Chemical''

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I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and decompositions are formed.

Autor: Antoine Lavoisier
  Nature , Which , Laboratory , Chemical

Every chemical reaction has a transition state.

Autor: Derek Harold Richard Barton
  Every , Reaction , Transition , Chemical

Elements which are similar as regards their chemical properties have atomic weights which are either of nearly the same value (eg. Pt, Ir, Os) or which increase regularly (eg. K, Ru, Cs).

Autor: Dmitri Mendeleev
  Value , Same , Either , Chemical

We have no such weapons at all, no chemical weapons, no biological weapons.

Autor: Mohammed Aldouri
  Chemical , Weapons , Biological

Why would Russia care about chemical weapons in Syria? They have no incentive to care.

Autor: Ron DeSantis
  Why , Care , Russia , Chemical

Even when they are saturated in the sense of the older theory of valence, the elementary atoms still possess sufficient chemical affinity to bind other seemingly also saturated atoms and groups of atoms, under generation of clearly defined atomic bonds.

Autor: Alfred Werner
  Sense , Theory , Generation , Chemical

It has long been known that the chemical atomic weight of hydrogen was greater than one-quarter of that of helium, but so long as fractional weights were general there was no particular need to explain this fact, nor could any definite conclusions be drawn from it.

Autor: Francis William Aston
  Need , Long , Explain , Chemical

Football tactics are rapidly becoming as complicated as the chemical formula for splitting the atom.

Autor: Jimmy Greaves
  Football , Complicated , Chemical , Tactics

Thus at the beginning of 1906 it seemed to be established that the emitters of the spectral series of chemical elements are their positive atomic ions.

Autor: Johannes Stark
  Beginning , Positive , Elements , Chemical

The physiologist who succeeds in penetrating deeper and deeper into the digestive canal becomes convinced that it consists of a number of chemical laboratories equipped with various mechanical devices.

Autor: Ivan Pavlov
  Who , Number , Chemical , Mechanical

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