Frases sobre ''Charm''

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I prefer intellect and charm.

Autor: Angie Everhart
  Charm , Prefer , Intellect

Boston has a lot of European qualities to it, and one of them is the charm of its above-ground trollies.

Autor: David Walton
  Them , Charm , Boston , Qualities

Charm, in most men and nearly all women, is a decoration.

Autor: E. M. Forster
  Men , Women , Charm , Decoration

My purpose in life does not include a hankering to charm society.

Autor: James Dean
  Life , Society , Purpose , Charm

Luckily, 'Petta' encompasses all the dimensions of Rajini sir's performances. His main strengths are his charm, style, and the fun that he represents.

Autor: Karthik Subbaraj
  He , Fun , Style , Charm

No state can match the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay, our beaches and farms, or the mountains of Western Maryland, the Port of Baltimore, or the historic charm of every corner of our state.

Autor: Larry Hogan
  Mountains , Beauty , Corner , Charm

Brunch is boring, but that's part of the charm of it.

Autor: Nicolas Berggruen
  Part , Boring , Charm

Age, like distance lends a double charm.

Autor: Oliver Herford
  Like , Age , Distance , Charm

I'm an unlucky charm... don't go anywhere with me.

Autor: Sophie Turner
  Me , Go , Charm , Unlucky

Things forbidden have a secret charm.

Autor: Tacitus
  Things , Secret , Forbidden , Charm

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