Frases sobre ''Charge''

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I basically was in charge of the Jackson 5 - all their creative, when it came down to the studio, and all their musical endeavors.

Autor: Deke Richards
  Down , Creative , Studio , Charge

I'm not in charge of making moves, you know. I'm in charge of coaching.

Autor: Don Cooper
  You , Know , Coaching , Charge

A woman can be in charge!

Autor: Erin Gray
  Woman , Charge

When placed in command, take charge.

Autor: Norman Schwarzkopf
  Take , Leadership , Command , Charge

I put a charge into a lot of balls. Still can.

Autor: Richie Allen
  Still , Put , Balls , Charge

At Harvard I was in charge of the comparative anatomy labs.

Autor: Robert T. Bakker
  Anatomy , Harvard , Charge , Comparative

I like being a 10-year-old kid who's in charge.

Autor: Tibor Kalman
  Being , Like , Kid , Charge

Let's put Coloradans in charge; let's put Westerners in charge of the West.

Autor: Cory Gardner
  West , Put , Charge

Look what Disney's done to their animation department. There wasn't an animator in charge of their animation unit!

Autor: Ralph Bakshi
  Look , Done , Animation , Charge

Who is in charge? Is it taxpayers or is it the special interest groups?

Autor: Scott Walker
  Who , Special , Interest , Charge

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