Frases sobre ''Cemetery''

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If it wasn't for baseball, I'd be in either the penitentiary or the cemetery.

Autor: Babe Ruth
  Baseball , Either , Cemetery

Bores put you in a mental cemetery while you are still walking.

Autor: Elsa Maxwell
  You , Walking , Mental , Cemetery

Paris must not be a cemetery. I do not wish to reign over the dead.

Autor: Henry IV
  Wish , Dead , Paris , Cemetery

A crazy man finishes in the cemetery.

Autor: Juan Manuel Fangio
  Crazy , Man , Cemetery , Finishes

Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.

Autor: Miguel de Unamuno
  Ideas , Science , Dead , Cemetery

The wing of the Falcon brings to the king, the wing if the crow brings him to the cemetery.

Autor: Muhammad Iqbal
  Him , King , Cemetery , Falcon

No one has been buried at Mill Road Cemetery in Cambridge, England, for many years, and so the place has a shady, overgrown magic about it.

Autor: Sophie Hannah
  Place , Magic , Road , Cemetery

No man wants more war if he's planned memorial services for fallen comrades, carried their flag-draped caskets off a plane, and buried them at Arlington National Cemetery.

Autor: Tom Cotton
  More , Man , War , Cemetery

To the solemn graves, near a lonely cemetery, my heart like a muffled drum is beating funeral marches.

Autor: Charles Baudelaire
  Heart , Like , Lonely , Cemetery

Kennedy had been assassinated a month or so before. So we walked to the grave of John Kennedy and ended our walking symbolically at the Arlington National Cemetery.

Autor: Satish Kumar
  Month , Walking , Cemetery , Grave

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