Frases sobre ''Cells''

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There are many cells you could look at forever in 3D.

Autor: Eric Betzig
  You , Look , Cells , Forever

In the case of the stomach, however, the nerves of the glandular cells were always severed when constructing an artificially isolated pouch and this, naturally, affected the normal work of the stomach.

Autor: Ivan Pavlov
  Always , Work , Cells , Stomach

A short telomere represents a persistent and non-repairable damage to the cells, which is able to prevent their division or regeneration.

Autor: María Blasco Marhuenda
  Short , Which , Cells , Division

The principle of treating cancer is to kill the abnormally dividing cells. Many drugs achieve this in a relatively unselective way, killing any cell that is dividing.

Autor: Mark Walport
  Way , Cells , Achieve , Cancer

We have found that fusions of GFP with the RING finger domains of certain E3 ubiquitin ligases creates an unstable GFP. We have used unstable GFP to learn how disruption of microtubules in the touch receptor neurons causes a generalized reduction in protein levels in the cells.

Autor: Martin Chalfie
  Touch , How , Cells , Ring

I was working with stem cells as part of a NASA programme. We realised that the science of stem-cell proliferation was also fundamental to cancer cells when cancer enters the phase of metastasis.

Autor: Patrick Soon-Shiong
  Science , Cells , Cancer , NASA

I believe fuel cells could end the 100-year reign of the internal combustion engine.

Autor: William Clay Ford, Jr.
  End , Believe , Cells , I Believe

The development of methods to monitor protein dynamics in cells together with the discovery of specific and general lysosomal inhibitors have resulted in the identification of different classes of cellular proteins, long- and short-lived, and the findings of the differential effects of the inhibitors on these groups.

Autor: Aaron Ciechanover
  Long , Together , Development , Cells

We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.

Autor: Albert Wynn
  I Am , Cells , Environmental , Meet

Well, there are two kinds of stem cells: adult stem cells, which you can get from any part of a grown body, and embryonic stem cells. These are the inner- core of days-old embryos that can develop into any kind of cell.

Autor: Mort Kondracke
  You , Two , Body , Cells

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