Frases sobre ''Caught''
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It's really easy to get caught up in all the catty-ness of the volleyball.
Autor: Brooke SweatUp , Easy , Get , Caught
Had Roosevelt been caught, we would have been in a lot of trouble. It would have been very embarrassing.
Autor: John PerkinsTrouble , Been , Very , Caught
Don't get small units caught in between the forces of history.
Autor: John W. Vessey, Jr.History , Get , Small , Caught
Cheap fish has usually been caught in careless ways.
Autor: Mark KurlanskyCheap , Careless , Fish , Caught
Getting caught is the mother of invention.
Autor: Robert ByrneMother , Getting , Invention , Caught
My parents once caught me conducting Beethoven's 'Fifth Symphony.'
Autor: Walker HayesMe , Parents , Once , Caught
When I caught my case and went to jail, I could have caught a gang of extra time.
Autor: YGTime , Jail , Gang , Caught
Would the fish have ever been caught if it had kept its mouth shut?
Autor: Ashwin SanghiEver , Been , Fish , Mouth , Caught