Frases sobre ''Capital''

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Capital is that part of wealth which is devoted to obtaining further wealth.

Autor: Alfred Marshall
  Which , Finance , Capital , Wealth

Intellectual capital drives financial capital and growth.

Autor: Andrew Yang
  Growth , Capital , Intellectual , Financial

There are three types of innovations that affect jobs and capital: empowering innovations, sustaining innovations and efficiency innovations.

Autor: Clayton M. Christensen
  Three , Capital , Efficiency , Affect

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy.

Autor: Corey Reynolds
  Born , I Was Born , Capital , Virginia

Building cars is highly specialized, it's hard, and it's capital intensive.

Autor: Karl Iagnemma
  Hard , Building , Capital , Highly

I would like to see capital punishment suppressed in all democracies.

Autor: Lionel Jospin
  See , Like , Capital , Punishment

Capital isn't scarce; vision is.

Autor: Sam Walton
  Capital , Vision , Scarce

The great hinderance to the development of this continent has lain in the lack of capital.

Autor: William Graham Sumner
  Great , Development , Capital , Lack

Returns matter a lot. It's our capital.

Autor: Abigail Johnson
  Matter , Lot , Our , Capital

We will rebuild, renew and remain the capital of the free world.

Autor: Michael Bloomberg
  World , Will , Free , Capital

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