Frases sobre ''California''
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I grew up in Northern California, so the hippies were still around. My father and mother were very Republican, very strait-laced and very uptight, but my uncles were hippies.
Autor: Grant ShowUp , Father , Mother , California
One thing they don't have out here in California is Rita's Italian Ices. We used to have one right next to our house and it was so good!
Autor: Joe JonasGood , House , Right , California
It is a truth universally acknowledged, in the enlightened liberal semi-socialist California circles in which I often move, that Uber is evil.
Autor: Jon EvansTruth , Evil , Circles , California
We are selected, but I grew up in California and in San Francisco and there was a system of electing judges.
Autor: Stephen BreyerUp , System , California , Judges
In California, they don't throw their garbage away - they make it into TV shows.
Autor: Woody AllenAway , Make , Garbage , California
On 'Justified', we're driving all around Southern California trying to find a location that we can call Kentucky.
Autor: Timothy OlyphantFind , Trying , Driving , California
I didn't go to L.A. because I wanted to move to California. I went to L.A. to work as an actor.
Autor: Bryan GreenbergWork , Go , Actor , California
Left the ranch in 1883, went to California, going through the States and territories, reached Ogden the latter part of 1883, and San Francisco in 1884.
Autor: Calamity JaneGoing , Through , Left , California
The thing that really surprised me about strip malls in California, specifically Los Angeles, is that they have some really fantastic restaurants.
Autor: Dave FoleyMe , Some , Los Angeles , California
As governor of California in 1970, Reagan endeared himself to millions of conservatives nationwide when he publicly rebuked the anti-war movement that was exploding on college campuses.
Autor: Jackson KatzCollege , He , Movement , California