Frases sobre ''Calendar''
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I'm not a big fan of the Olympic Games. The ATP calendar is a bit complex due to the Olympic event.
Autor: Dominic ThiemBig , Games , Big Fan , Calendar
If we carry on filling up the calendar, we keep on pushing the athlete, we shorten the athletes longevity. The risk is to shorten a career that could have lasted 10 years because the athlete is burnt out.
Autor: Alberto JuantorenaCareer , Years , Risk , Calendar
I think everyone lifts themselves that little bit extra for the Tour de France, being the pinnacle of our cycling calendar.
Autor: Chris FroomeBeing , Everyone , Think , Calendar
Sounds cliched, but I can't survive without my calendar.
Autor: Franchesca RamseyWithout , Survive , Calendar , Sounds
When I first took the bench, I was assigned to handle a calendar of criminal cases. It was an enormous docket. I tried in each case to make sure that the litigants not only in fact received, but also felt that they had received, a full and fair opportunity to be heard.
Autor: Jacqueline NguyenOpportunity , Tried , Calendar , Bench
I use a really simple calendar program on my computer.
Autor: Jamie ZawinskiSimple , Use , Calendar , Computer
I've been on a calendar, but I've never been on time.
Autor: Marilyn MonroeTime , Never , Been , Calendar
Windows Mobile enables our industry partners to customize devices according to their customers' needs while including productivity features such as access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, and other critical business information for mobile workers on the go.
Autor: Suzan DelBeneGo , Business , Information , Calendar
I'm really into sci-fi. I always have been. In addition to that, I've always had a tremendous fascination with the lure of the Apocalypse or Judgment Day or the Mayan calendar, etc., etc.
Autor: Bryce Dallas HowardAlways , Day , Judgment , Calendar
Of the five House Calendars, the Private Calendar is the one to which all Private Bills are referred. Private Bills deal with specific individuals, corporations, institutions, and so forth, as distinguished from public bills which deal with classes only.
Autor: Howard CobleOnly , House , Calendar , Bills